Deliver Quality Training for Performance
SGD 300 (full price)
1 day
Next Schedule
About the Course
A quality Learning and Development system is essential for enterprises who have interests and investments in developing human capital, as quality learning affects human performance. The workshop will look into the key components needed for managing compliance for accreditation / certification models, the methods for managing and reviewing training quality in the enterprise, and evaluate the effectiveness of training programmes and plans.
Learning Objectives
� Use the Performance Excellence Framework to diagnose performance and learning needs.
� Identify factors affecting training and learning quality and methods for establishing training quality in the enterprise.
� Describe the key components of managing compliance for accreditation / certification models.
� Manage training and learning quality assurance processes across the enterprise.
� Apply evaluation methods and techniques to evaluate effectiveness of training and learning programmes and plans.
Course Coverage
� Preparing Delivery Plan based on Learners� Needs
� Context
o Prepare Delivery Plan based on Learners Profile
o Plan Adjustments to Minimize Learning Barriers
o Select Activities to suit Learners and Context
o Prepare Logistics Checklist
� Facilitating Learning and Delivering Training based on Learners� Needs and Context
o Create a �safe space� for learning and Build a Collaborative Environment
o Facilitate Learning and Apply Sound Principles of Adult Learning
o Activity-based and Experiential Learning Techniques
o Presenting and Delivering Content in �bite-size�
o Monitoring Learners� Progress throughout Session
o Activities to �Anchor� and Evaluate Learning
Target Audience
Those responsible for the operation and performance of an organisational unit.