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Apply Impactful Presentation


SGD 500 (full price)


2 days

Next Schedule


About the Course

Presentation is not simply presenting of information. It is packaging of information in a persuasive way to get audience's approval. The goal of the workshop is to equip every participant with framework and techniques to develop impactful presentation.

Learning Objectives

During the workshop, you will:
� Learn how to grab your audience attention at start of presentation
� Understand human psychology and decision making process
� Apply the framework for structuring a impactful presentation
� Organize information to bring your key message across clearly
� Engage your audience and get their commitment for your proposal

Course Coverage

1. Create Impactful Presentation
� Avoid common mistakes of boring presentations
� Start your presentation with impact
2. Develop Persuasive Presentation
� The key considerations of developing persuasive presentation
� Position your information holistically using left and right brain approach
3. Structure Your Presentation
� Effective ways to structure your presentation
� Techniques to let your audience understand and remember your key points
4. Design Principles for Power point
� Key design principles to create impactful PowerPoint slides
� Effective ways to convert data into meaningful visuals and graphics
5. Conclude With a High Note
� Effective techniques to end the presentation with impact
� Get commitment from audience and call for action

Target Audience

Everyone who wants to develop interesting and persuasive presentation.

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